
This blog is my exploration of life experiences, and interests coming together into one spot. This is the center stone of me.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Getting Alaehya into It

These are our weekends of fun and festivities..

Alaehya came with me to my cousin- in- law's wedding rehearsal and then it was party time after! It was her first time touching a bunny! 

As you can tell, her daddy and I are very much in love with our beautiful baby. These photos are to show all of the wedding festivities that took place early September. A few days of religious works followed by the actual Hindu wedding ceremony and then the reception. Her first tooth began appearing the same day the reception took place. She was extremely cranky therefor she didn't stay for very long at the place.

We want to introduce her to both sides (mine and Randy's) and involve her in anything we can. his was her first time wearing an Indian outfit. I spruced it up with a flowery head band. Of course, by end of the day that head band came off. This was an incredible weekend for us. 

Photos for Fun

Took Alaehya to the nail salon for a bit to get some "me" time and these are the looks I get. My precious!