
This blog is my exploration of life experiences, and interests coming together into one spot. This is the center stone of me.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Shoe Purchased

Tomorrow is my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend. I have decided to take maters into my own hands and treat myself to something good!

About a week ago, I was browsing online through different shoe sites. I've been familiar with JustFab for quite some time now. For those who are not as familiar, it is a site very much like Shoedazzle. A site where you can choose your favorites looks and styles and a show room of shoes and accessories are picked out for you to browse.

Through out my shoe search, I decided to browse through JustFab to see if anything looked intriguing. I then, found these amazing shoes in which I had wanted to buy for a while now. I was so in love but of course, I had to wait until my next check to actually order them. Thankfully these shoes were not sold out a week later because I purchased them as soon as my pay check came in.

I am super excited and I can not wait to wear them! Sometimes a girl has to do what she has to do. I took matters into my own hands and purchased them myself.
Thank God for the affordable prices JustFab has to offer. Stylish shoes for an affordable price - you can not beat. -Stay tuned as to how I put this look together in the future. In the meantime, enjoy the photo of my beautiful strappy shoe.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Chanel RTW Fall 2013


 After seeing all of the 60 looks for this year's Chanel Fall RTW collection, I have chosen a few pieces in which I like most. Pieces that many of us can wear on a day to day basis. Take a look.

This first piece, I chose because of the layering concept. Layer is a new trend this year - sometimes often seen with layers that incorporate fur.  In this case, it looks like a smaller jacket on top of a long coat. Either way, it is a new trend that seems to work on the runway as well as in the streets of NYC. 

This next piece, is such a comfy look that I just fell in love. It is a good look for the fall with casual jeans and little brown booties. The part that intrigued me most, was that it appears to be bigger than actual size ( a baggy kind of look) but the middle string tie lets the bagginess sit just on top of the jacket.  It is comfy and a bit boho and this is totally my kind of look for a day to day period. 

Here goes another layered concept piece, with a quarter sleeve dress and a short sleeve vest jacket on top. Not only do I like the layering but also the colors and textures used. This can be worn in a more casual way by adding a pair of black knee high flat boots. Overall this look definitely works for me.